Legal notice

Berliner Prater Garten GmbH Restauration

Kastanienallee 7–9

10435 Berlin

Phone (0 30) 4 48 56 88

Email info[at]

(please no reservation requests via email)

Managing Directors: Dagmar Hillig, Sebastian Schulz

Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Registration number: HRB 58196

VAT ID No.: DE 179719889

Design and illustrations

Henning Wagenbreth

"View into the Prater Restaurant": Steffen Sauerteig

"Environment": Jörg Liebsch


Selina Schrader

Design and programming

XPORT Communication GmbH | Digital marketing for hotels & tourism |

Disclaimer and Copyright

Berliner Prater Garten GmbH regularly updates and supplements the information on these websites. The information has been carefully researched and compiled conscientiously. Nevertheless, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be accepted for the timeliness, correctness and completeness of the information provided - especially third-party information - unless the incompleteness or inaccuracy is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of Berliner Prater Garten GmbH.

Berliner Prater Garten GmbH is not responsible for the content of websites referred to via hyperlink, provided that it has no knowledge of the web content and it is technically impossible and unreasonable to prevent use in the case of illegal content. Berliner Prater Garten GmbH also assumes no liability or guarantee for these websites.

We would like to expressly stress that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on this website and do not adopt their content as our own.

Texts, parts of texts, graphics and images provided on these websites, their content and their copies may not be changed in any way, reproduced or distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of Berliner Prater Garten GmbH. Links to the homepage may be created if the website accessed becomes the sole content of the browser window.

© Berlin Prater Garden GmbH

All rights reserved.

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